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Marie-Avril Roux-Steinkühler LL.M
Lawyer - Member of the Paris and the Berlin Bars
Specialist in intellectual property law & digital and communications law

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Marie-Avril Roux is a seasoned IP lawyer with more than 20 years of experience in business and intellectual property, with focus on copyright, entertainment, media, new technologies and trademarks. After 15 years practice in Paris, she is now based in Berlin and further advises or litigate for her clients in France and Germany.


Her particularity: a specialized bi- and international IP practice in three languages, French, English and German.


Marie-Avril has been practicing in all areas of copyright and entertainment Law: publishing, music, cinema, television, radio, live performance, advertising, art, counterfeiting, plagiarism, sponsorship, patronage, privacy, image, advising producers, publishers, authors, artists and celebrities. She litigates in France and also in Germany. Her practice also includes the representation of creators and artists and the management of their rights.


The other focus of her practice is trademark protection. She advises international companies on their brands and new technologies. She manages and develops trademark portfolios in more than 70 countries, in addition to designs and domain names. She advises, drafts and negotiates license agreements, coexistence etc., provides representation before the French trademark office INPI, the German trademark office DPMA, the EUIPO, and the Court of Justice of the European Union. She practices also in Data privacy Law.


Her clients are mainly involved in publishing, production, fashion, food industry, finance mainly, and she counsels several NGOs.

​She was also appointed Conseiller du Commerce extérieur de la France ( and co-chair of French Tech Berlin (, which helps and supports the development of French start-ups in Germany.
She is also president and co-founder of APPEAL-E (Association pour la Promotion de l'Exercice des Avocats Français à l'Etranger
She also acts as legal advisor to IRAFPA in Geneva (the Institute for Research and Action on Academic Fraud and Plagiarism
She is a member of APRAM (Association des Praticiens du Droit des Marques et des Modèles, GRUR (Deutsche Vereinigung für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, AGEM (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Rechtsanwältinnen und Rechtsanwälte der Fachbereiche Urheber- und Medienrecht und Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz, and DFJ (Deutsch- Französische Juristenvereinigung


She likes to support her clients in their projects and develop these projects with them, being flexible and inventive. Her first training at Sciences Po in commerce and finance, and then her experiences in mergers and acquisitions, gave her an operational approach and allowed her to support the establishment of French companies' activities in Germany.

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Susanne Klingenberg
Office Manager, traductrice

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After her international management studies including stays in France, the USA and Dubai and a thesis about Brand and Trademark Law in China, Susanne started her career in Sales in Dubai before returning to Berlin in 1999 and taking over the showroom of a fashion label with responsibility for the East German market.

Her interests shifting towards Controlling and Finance, she stepped in as Business Unit Operations Manager for a British project management company in Berlin in 2002, followed by a further reporting interface position in a project development company in 2007.


Susanne has been self-employed since 2009 in the field of company set-ups, process optimizations, administration and bookkeeping, contract management and translations. She joined MARS IP in 2016 with the responsibility of invoicing, bookkeeping preparations and general administration.



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