For more than 20 years, protecting your creations, software, editions, video games, artistic works (audiovisual, graphic, sound) is the mission of the MARS-IP firm in France, Germany and internationally.
Our lawyers are recognized and certified by the Paris Bar and members of the Berlin Bar in the field of intellectual property law, in particular copyright. We advise you on the management of your copyrights by drafting assignment or licensing agreements. We also assist you in litigation proceedings, in particular in infringement actions.
Copyright Protection
As soon as there is an original work, which represents the imprint of your personality, you can claim and protect rights to the work in question.
Copyright protection arises at the same time as the work is created, no formalities are required to protect it. All you need to do is to prove that your work is prior art.
On the other hand, since ideas are "free", they cannot be protected. However, you must defend them well and protect them with good contracts.
Our areas of expertise
Protection from the moment a work is created
checking the availability of a title, possible infringements of copyright, personality and image rights, development of 360° universe projects, preventive proofreading of manuscripts, organization of collaborative works, collective works, employee creations.
Drafting and negotiation of contracts
for authors, publishers, producers, performers, developers concerning bibles, books, screenplays, music, audiovisual adaptations, video games, software, licensing, purchase, development, exploitation, commissioned works, or software.
Legal proceedings
in France and Germany for infringement, plagiarism, unfair competition, parasitism and other contractual disputes and mediation.
Support for the production and capture
of works, events, mapping, live shows, show business licenses, international co-productions, ticketing, contracts for intermittent workers, negotiation and drafting of production and co-production contracts, publishing, advertising, promotional operations, media exchanges.
Extension of the protection of copyright and related rights
by registering works with the competent authorities or collective management organizations (SACEM, GEMA, ADAMI, SACD, SCPP, ADAGP, SOFIA, etc.). Registration of titles, characters and illustrations as trademarks or designs. Protection of press publishers' related rights.
Optimization of the management of the rights and representation
of the rightful owners with the management companies and control of the collected rights, creation of the ad hoc companies, of management of rights, of edition. Legal audit and transfer of catalogues.
Recent missions
MARS-IP is currently defending an author victim of plagiarism before academic institutions and courts in France.
We are drafting the chain of contracts for a BD-Web Series project.
We protect different elements of a video game and negotiate the contracts.
We advise e-sport actors in their expansion in France and Germany.